We only collect information about you that is necessary for us to serve you best. The information is used to optimize and improve the site and marketing of Klee Engineering’s products.
Once you enter the Klee Engineering website, your browser will leave some information on the pages you have visited. This information will not be published to third party, sold or passed on. Klee Engineering reserves the right to use external software vendors to analyze data and let the supplier access these data to the extent it is necessary.
Every time you give out personal information Klee Engineering handles this information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Statement and the legal obligation in relation to the processing of personal data.
Personal information
The information you provide will be kept confidential and is collected and processed for the following general purposes or for any other legitimate purpose described by the applicable law.
- To process your purchase or provide requested services
- To fulfill requests for products and services
- To improve our products and services
- To contact you
- To customize advertisements and content
Use of Cookies
Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your computer’s hard drive. This information is used to verify your identity when you log in at the website or put something in the basket. The information is in no way harmful to your computer and do not contain confidential information.